Based on a true story
Extraordinary Detour
By Penelope Silvers
Official release on May 31, 2022! Pre-order your copy today!


PreOrder Your Copy of this ExtraOrdinary Book today!
A storm raged the day my husband died and went to heaven the first time. Sometimes, scary detours can be extraordinary miracles in disguise.
About the Book
In “Extraordinary Detour: True Stories of Life, Death and Miracles”, Penelope Silvers shares the breathtaking experience of a real life act of God. A storm raged the day her husband Ron died and went to heaven for the first time. Afterwards, she realized that scary detours can be life-changing miracles in disguise.
The day dawned cool and breezy without a cloud in the sky when Penelope’s husband went to heaven. As whipping winds and frigid air seemed to mirror Ron’s declining health, Florida weather conditions gradually deteriorated. The start of what appeared a perfect day ended in a crushing nightmare.
From their point of view, the situation was bleak. Little did they know, extraordinary things were going on behind the scenes. God’s plans were in play. Miraculous plans.
On that day, God’s plan was veiled and hidden. The actual events of trauma, weather, confusion, and fear would never be repeated. The family’s faith was sorely tested, but they learned God provides all that is needed. He merits worship in every circumstance, even when death stalks us.
Years later, as bits and pieces of Ron’s extraordinary journey began to surface, Penelope would jot them down. He’d choke up while sharing, his eyes filling with tears before he could finish. He struggled to describe his spectacular trip.
Think about your own life. What if things are perfect just as they are, and nothing is ordinary – but extraordinary? Some people live as though there were no miracles. Others look for wonders each day. Which one are you?
As you read this story of God’s goodness and faithfulness, ask yourself a simple question.
Is my life ordinary or extraordinary?

Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2022
Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2022

About the Author
Penelope is a blogger, content writer, and author of nine fiction and non-fiction books. She’s a member of author James Patterson’s Masterclass, Flourish Writers, and former member of Jerry Jenkins’ Writer’s Guild—best-selling author of the Left Behind series. Penelope has witnessed many miracles in her own life and is passionate about sharing hope of God’s love and leading hand. Readers can contact her through the ExtraOrdinary Detour media page or on her blog,